Guest Speaker

"Mark Trompeteler's talk Digital Cinema gave us a superbly illustrated lecture on the history of cinemas in the UK, from the very early days, to the most up to date digital and 3D technologies, Mark kept us spellbound."

Graham Evans, Editor, Moviepage

Club, Group or Society talks that may be a little different:

Art, Photography & Meaning

How Art and Photography influenced each other with the arrival of photography in the mid 19th Century. How both of them developed alongside each other to the modern day. How outstanding photographs convey meaning to us and are "read" by viewers and the wider society at large.

Approaches to Photography & Photographic Style

How photography developed since its inception and gradually led to great photographers developing their unique styles and photographic voices. Applying this to oneself in order to develop one's own unique style.

Under Fire - Photography, War, Politics & Society.

The lead character in the political thriller "Under Fire" is based on a mix between two world renowned  photographers, Don McCullin & Susan Meiselas. This involves a group screening of the superb 1983 feature film "Under Fire" starring Nick Nolte, Gene Hackman and Joanna Cassidy. Each half of the film involves an interactive participative discussion with the group about the social, political, intelligence, news, propaganda, human and  moral issues surrounding photographs and their past use. Are photographs still used like that today ?

Inside British Film Studios

A look at one particular famous British studio, how it started, and how it developed and now operates. Reference to the parallel development of other British film studios.

A Brief History of the Development of Cinemas

"a superbly illustrated history of cinemas in the UK, from the very early days, to the most up to date digital and 3D technologies, Mark kept us spellbound."

A History of Widescreen & Large Format Cinema

From the large canvases of Renaissance Art, to Cinemascope, Panavision, IMAX and beyond.


I am always happy to give talks, lectures and presentations on various aspects of photography and cinema to groups or institutions. I have experience as a chair person / panel member / guest speaker at such venues as Cambridge University, other UK Universities, Pinewood Studios, Colleges, Conferences & Societies.

I have also organised a number of education, creative industry and film related events over the past few years at such venues as:- 
National Film Theatre, BFI Southbank, London, learn more
National Media Museum, Bradford, learn more.
I can be contacted at:

Widescreen Student Film of the Year Competition at National Media Museum, Bradford, U.K

Hosting & presenting the "Widescreen Student Film of the Year Competition", at National Media Museum, Bradford, U.K.

Interviewing Jessica Bingham, a feature 
			film Visual Effects Expert from The Moving Picture Company (MPC).

Interviewing Jessica Bingham, a feature film Visual Effects Expert from The Moving Picture Company (MPC). This was part of a whole series of events I organised at The National Film Theatre, BFI Southbank, in London.


shooting a webinar at Pinewood Studios

Hosting & Interviewing experts on the subject of Digital Motion Picture Cameras for a recorded webinar for film industry training. Recorded at the Sony DMPC at Pinewood Studios.


Interviewing Annie Conlon, TV Director & Producer at the National Film Theatre, London

Interviewing Annie Conlon, TV Director & Producer. Part of twelve years of events that I organised at the National Film Theatre, London


Mark Trompeteler, Kathryn Penny & Sir Christopher Frayling at the 
				UK National Media Museum.

With Kathryn Penny & Sir Christopher Frayling in the projection box at the Pictureville Cinema, UK National Media Museum, contributing to the Widescreen Weekend Film Festival.


All Rights Reserved
Photography By Mark Trompeteler - Copyright ©